It's time for another round of Missed the Train: Staff Picks. Below are some images, the crew at LOOKSLIKEFILM gathered, that we felt deserved a little more recognition than they initially received. It always amazes us the amount of talent that you guys produce each and every week. Keep pushing the limits!!!!
Below each image is a quote from the staff member who picked the image on why they love the image. Also is the Facebook link to the specific image in our group. Head on over and show some love to the artists.

Ania Onopiuk
I love playfulness of this image and set. - Ari Dorfman

Britany Maxwell
My parents were married in Las Vegas but an Elvis impersonator, so I was instantly attracted to this entire series. The addition of vintage signs, beautiful light, and a gorgeous couple were just icing on the cake. - Justine Di Fede

John Clark
What a fun couple and a great wedding portrait. I want to hang out with these two. - Ari Dorfman

Kate Ann Morris
Chosen by Daniel Sprague

Katie Metka
Love the movement in this. You can hear the girls playing, but I'm not really sure what they are playing! It's kind of comical. Also great processing. - Ari Dorfman

Kristopher Penland
Another great family documentary image. Love the father (presumably) reaching in as he throws the girl. Great composition and decision to only leave his arms in. - Ari Dorfman

Marissa Roseillier
I love the window light, and pop of color in the foreground. There are so many elements in play that make it a really interesting image. I may or may not have purchased a giant coloring roll immediately after seeing this image. - Justine Di Fede

Mir Salem Anwar
It was amazing to see a couple session in a different and unique location. Those red lights and tones create a special and intense atmosphere. And the couple….ON FIRE ! - Matthias Jaworski

Monching Ragaodao
Great portrait, great natural light. You can really see deep into the subjects eyes. - Ari Dorfman

Sarah Graybeal
Chubby baby, smiling and raising the roof, what is not to love? - Justine Di Fede

Sarah Weaver Hill
From a birth photographer perspective, these BLEW my mind. Very rare and powerful. - Laura Beck

Tania YN
This image got me stopped from scrolling on through our group feed. Beautiful eyes of the kiddo and this stunning light are making this portrait special to me! - Matthias Jaworski