Time for another round of Missed the Train: Staff Picks. Here are 10 images the staff at LOOKSLIKEFILM felt were deserving of a CHOO CHOO, but somehow, missed the train.

Clayton Arnall

Den Artsybashev
I love the use of lighting, the colours, the composition, and the connection with the subject; her blank expression - reminds me of a classic painting of Rembrandt. - Julianna Koh Blackwell

Geoff Brouillette
Brilliant use of location, light, and movement. Magnificent execution. - Seth Langner

Hannah Hix
The softness, the subtlety of her hands and the black and white make this have a timeless quality I love. - Rachel Kaye

Jozsa Levente
Great image showing the traditional Maasai dance in the Maasai Mara National Reserve in Kenya. - Ari Dorfman

Kirsten Noelle Wiemer
One of the most epic and cinematic images I have seen in awhile. - Daniel Aaron Sprague

Laine Mostert
I love the minimalism in this photo. It's so well put together and striking to the eye. Excellent. - Jacob Loafman

Loren Uno Dos
I really love the mood captured in this soccer game, the weather, the kit, the ground all rolled together. - Chris Parkinson

Samantha Sicairos
I love how dreamy this shot is. I would love to have a shot like this from my daughter. It really made me stop scrolling to the feed and I can't believe that it got almost no attention! Love it! - Sven Malojlo

Zar Chinaski
The entire mystery that is surrounding the image makes it amazing for me. I am immediately sucked into the scene. Fantastic street capture. - Lukas Piatek