Artist of the Month - Alê Bigliazzi — LooksLikeFilm

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Artist of the Month - Alê Bigliazzi


The month is nearly over, so it is time again to reveal our new Artist of the Month in April. 
Alê Bigliazzi from Brazil is the photographer we'll take a closer look at. You are an admirer of beautiful couple images? You are looking for inspiration how to shoot a bride & groom in a creative way? Perfect, Alê is the "go-to guy" for those questions. Let's go - enjoy his work!

How old are you and where are you from?

I am 34 years old, and I live in Sao Paulo, Brazil. 

Tell us a little bit about your life in the moment?

I've recently just came back from a trip to Europe and Morocco, where I photographed some couples and really enjoyed my stay. It's wedding season so my life is kind of chaotic, right now, but I'm trying to balance my life somehow.

How did you end up being a photographer?

I love to travel. My first job was an administrator position and I started to earn my first money.
But my passion to travel was still there and kept growing. I decided to study photography back in 2008 with the aim to take better photos on my trips. 

But my biggest inner wish was to have another way of living. I was bored all day long and simply just didn't want to go to the same places every day. 

The photography course I attended to, made me find that what I really love. So I bought my first camera: Canon 40d, a good camera for a beginner. 

I studied fashion photography and shot commercials, but working with couples and capturing their weddings brought me my real happiness. You work with individual life stories. For me - this is real and makes me feel grateful to be a part of.

I love landscape photography as well, but it's just for fun.

Where do you see yourself in 20 years?

Married, living in Spain with my wife & kids. I want to travel with them around Europe by car and documenting our lives. 

And my photography business -  I don't have a plan. Maybe I will still photograph couples and make portraits.

What gear are you currently using?

I am currently using a Canon 5D Mark IV with two lenses: 
Sigma art 35mm F1.4 & Sigma art 24mm F1.4.

What advice could you give out to a new starting photographer?

Do it like it's your last chance. 

Be passionate, be yourself but curious. Meet people who are passionate like you and inspire you. Find your time to study a lot about photography. My advice: go study art in general, it's not only about photography, go further and open up your mind for all the creativity out there.

Did the LLF community changed the way you see or shoot ?

I got to know about the LLF community last year and it definitely changed me a lot how  I see and shoot photography. I learnt new techniques and I found a lot of inspiration in there.

I love to see how people are connecting within the group, no matter in which kind of photography genre they're taking place. 

What plans do you have for 2018?

Oh, so difficult.

I want to study more to improve my photography. I want to read more books, travel more and photograph couples while I'm on road. I'd love to show my work outside of Brazil and meet more passionate people like me.