This weeks Then & Now is with our very own Jacob Loafman. If you don't know, Jacob has been with us since nearly day one and is the main Choo Choo'er in the Facebook Groups. He also happens to be a kick ass dude, will do anything for anyone, is an amazing photographer and artist and is very humble. Check out what advice he has to give and don't forget to tell him to SHUT UP in the comments, or here.
Introduce yourself.
I am Jacob Loafman, a photographer and train conductor based out of Saint Louis, Missouri, USA. I photograph weddings, families, and portraits primarily. My passion is my personal work, which could be just about anything. I have just started taking a journey into my mind to find those strange, beautiful, crazy, and maybe even simple thoughts, and figuring out how to properly portray those through photographs. This is my biggest challenge I've given myself so far as a photographer and I'm very excited about it all.
My favorite music is instrumental rock, such as This Will Destroy You, Sigur Ros, Explosions In The Sky, Red Sparrows, Russian Circles and anything in that realm.
Personally, I have great eyelashes and a rockin' ass. Just kidding, my eyelashes are just okay, I guess. In all honesty, I'm a pretty normal guy. While I'm active on social media, in the real world I'm a simple goofy guy that enjoys creating photographs, fishing, playing a round of golf, hanging out with my dog watching documentaries, and going out with my friends every now and again.
How did you learn photography?
Well I started back in high school in the darkroom with film, probably like lots of others. Then life just kind of happened and I didn't really get back into it until late 2012. I began looking up tutorials via YouTube, articles, blog posts, anything I could find honestly. So, Im about 90% self taught I would say. The other 10% was the high school knowledge I gained in 2000 - 2001.
What year was the "Then" picture taken in?
What did you do to better your photography skills?
I just constantly had a camera with me. I would, and still am, always, ALWAYS shooting something at least 6 days per week. Even when I get into a rut, I continue to shoot. I'm a hands-on type of learner, so this is the best way for me to grow.
What is one piece of advice you would give to a new photographer to help them excel in their craft?
I would advise them to focus on themselves and their vision. The best person to help you excel is yourself. I believe this is accomplished by challenging yourself, taking risks, and not being afraid to make mistakes. So, simply put, focus on your own work and just go shoot. That's what has worked best for me.
What gear do you use?
(2) Canon 6D bodies
(1) Sony A7 body
Vivitar 20mm f/3.8
Sigma 24-25 f/2.0
Minolta Rokkor 28mm f/2.5
Voigtlander Nokton 40mm f/1.4 Classic
Sigma 50mm f/2.8 Macro
Leica Summar 50 f/2.0
Tanaka Kogaku Tanar 50mm f/2.0
Canon FD 55mm f/1.2
Minolta Rokkor 58mm f/1.4
Helios 58mm f/2.0
Helios 85mm f/1.5
Canon EF USM 100mm f/2.0
Canon FD 200mm f/2.8
Some old dismantled 50mm lenses for free lensing
(3) Yongnuo YN-560 II Flashes
(4) Yongnuo YN 622 Wireless Triggers
Voigtlander Bessa L 35mm (used with Leice/Tanaka lenses above)
Minolta XD-11 35mm camera (used with Minolta lenses above)
Canon A2E 35mm camera (used with Sigma/Canon lenses above)
Mamiya RB67 Pro & Pro SD Bodies
Mamiya M645 Body
an array of Mamiya Lenses for those 3 systems.
Check our more awesome images from Jacob below.