Round 2 is over and here are your best submissions and again some goofy stuff ;)
Edited by Candice Zugich herself
Jenny Rolapp - Agfa RSX 50 + tweaks
April Violet Zelenka Kodak Gold 100 + a little ASE.
Danielle Foreman Acken - AGFA Ultra 50 tweaked.
Ryan Deasley - Fuji 400H ++
Danny Verde Kodak Gold
Lavi Mureşan T-MAX 3200++ (with adjustments)
Kevin Cabrera Kodak TRI-X 400+
Those are just a few of the amazing images that have been submitted, but lets take a look at the more crazier ones ;)
Amanda Williams Fuji Neopan 1600++
Hernan Btesh Kodak Portra160
Costa Marsupilami kodak gold 100
Johannes F. Räbel Fuji Neopan 400C