“In photography there are no shadows that cannot be illuminated”
Christopher Gomez - Polaroid 690 - www.chrisgomez.photo
Vicky Baumann - Kodak Royal Gold 100 +++ - www.vickybaumann.de
Lelia Scarfiotti - Kodak Portra 160 +1 + - www.leliascarfiotti.com
Miguel Hernandez - Tri-X - www.miguelhernandezfotografia.com
Alexis Lavoie - Afga Vista 100 +++ - www.lavoiealexis.com
Nico Koch - Kodak Gold 200 Cold - www.nk-photo.de
Danielle Navratil - Kodak Ektar 100 Warm - www.DanielleNavratilPhotography.com
Dana Minciuna - Kodak Gold 200 - www.landofwhitedeer.com
Jaakko Sorvisto - Agfa Vista 100 - www.jaakkosorvisto.com
Jess Hunter - Kodak Portra 400 NC + - www.jesshunterphotography.com